Claudius Ptolemy
He made astronomical observations from Alexandria in Egypt during the years AD 127-41 -
in 221-206 BC, it was first made in China during the Qin. -
325 BC, worked out a
method for determining latitudes and
using astronomical measurements -
Jan 4, 1492
Prince Henry “TheNavigator”
established a marine observatory to
improve the Portuguese sailing endeavors and
conquered one of the greatest trades
problems-getting around the tip of Africa -
Jan 4, 1513
Ferdinand Magellan,
the globe through a passage
way at 52° S latitude now
called the Straights of
Magellan. -
Benjamin Franklin
Discovering Surface currents
and published
the first map of the Gulf
Stream. -
James Cook
determined the outline of the worlds largest ocean
and the first person known to cross the Atlantic
circle. -
Charles Darwin
Publishing several
papers the most famous ones
being his papers Natural
Selection and The Origin of
the Species and went to the Galopagus ilands -
Matthew Fontaine Maury publication of The Physical Geography of theSea.
established uniform methods of
making nautical and meteorological
observations at sea. -
Challenger Expedition
knowledge of the
distribution of life in the ocean and of
the chemical and physical properties of
the ocean. -
SONAR "Lewis Nixon"
its a way of detecting icebergs -
bathyshere "Otis Barton"
piloted the first manned dive of the bathyspere and reached a depthy of 803ft. -
276-192 BC ,first determined
the world’s circumference by using
observations obtained while looking down a
well on the summer solstice, when the sun is
directly over head at the Tropic of Cancer. -
he constructed a map of the mediterranean sea in 490 BC -
Eric the RED
sailed westward from Greenland and discovered Baffin Iland. in 982 AD