Primeval Atom
Geroge Lemaitre theoried that in the past all matter was concentrated. A primeval atom exploded, creating the universe. -
Edwin Hubble
Hubble's Law - Everything in the universe is moving away from eachother, or expanding. picture-
stevekanaras.blogspot.com -
The Big Bang recieved it's name...
Fred Hoyle coined the term "Big Bang" in a radio talkshow. picture-
http://science.howstuffworks.com/dictionary/astronomy-terms/big-bang-theory.htm/printable -
Arno Penzias/Robert Wilson
These two discovered Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB). They discovered this by using a microwave receiver, getting noise in every direction in which they pointed the receiver. CMB is the "echo" of radiation that engulfed the universe when it was 300,000 years old. picture-
commons.wikimedia.org -
Nobel for CMB Discovery
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson are honored the Nobel Prize for Physics for their achievment and discovery of CMB. picture-
raam2010viasat.blogspot.com -
Gentry With an Alternative Theory
Dr. Gentry claimed that the original Big Bang Theory was created over false paradigm. He structures his theory on Einstein's Static Spacetime Paradigm. Picture-