Newton's Theory of Gravity
Newton''s theory of gravity is the starting point of the Big Bang theory. It does not directly link to the Big Bang itself, yet Eistein used this particular theory centuries later to start his theory. -
Theory of Relativity
Eistein generalizes Newton's theory and creates his own. He feels gravity is more warped sense of space and matter rather than a field. Scientist apply this to the universe as an entirety with success. -
Lemaître's model
Georges Lemaître, at this time, proposed a model of our universe. This model showed the relation between our universe and red spiral nebulae. This model is developed upon the idea that every universe started at one point. -
Hubble's Law
Newton theory+ Eistein theory= Hubble's Law. Hubble perfected the thought Eistein started over a decade before. His Law describes the universe constantly separating and therefore, if the universe is forever separating then it had to begin at one starting point. Thus, the birth of the Big Bang Theory. -
"The 'Big Bang' idea"
On this date, Fred Hoyle called this theory "the 'big bang' idea." This is why we call it the Big Bang Theory today. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Big_Bang_theory -
Wanted: Remnant of Heat
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were capable of finding a temperature of 2.7 K. This is said to be the left over heat of the Big Bang, thus proving the theory further. -
Allen Guth's Inflation Idea
Guth explains the ever expanding universe with the idea of energy within space. Because of the energy that is built up within the vacuum, it will steadily isolate the universe from others. -
The COBE satellite took intense images of barely visible wavelengths in our universe. It was the first time astronomers could see our universe in depth. -
Hubble Deep Field
In January of 1996, The Hubble Deep Field revealed over 3,000 galaxies just in that piece of sky- Not too mention white dwarf stars and other observable items. This became the most studied piece of the sky. -
Universe's Age
Astronomers calculated the universe's age was around 12-13 billion years old. They used the images of distant white drawfs to determine this because they are the oldest stars. -
WMAP satellite
WMAP satellite was capable of discovery key details about the universe. Those details contain the following: temperature shifts due to gas, finding of pre-stellar helium, and inflation. http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/