Ethiopia flag


  • 140

    Aksum becomes the kingdom of Ethiopia

    Aksum becomes the kingdom of Ethiopia
    Aksum (Abyssinia) is the first kingdom that ruled Ethiopia. This is when modern Ethiopia began.
  • 300

    Coptic Christianity introduced from Egypt

    Coptic Christianity introduced from Egypt
    In 300 AD, the emperor of Aksum converts Ethiopians to Coptic Christianity. It iwas the main religion in Ethiopia, and many people still practice it today.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Islams rose in Ethiopia

    Islams rose in Ethiopia
    In 600 AD Islams rose in Ethiopia and cut them off from European Catholicism. They infulenced manypeople to convert to Islam and now a large amount of people practice Islam.
  • Feb 1, 1137

    Zagwe Dynasty

    Zagwe Dynasty
    1137-1270. A new Zagwe Dynasty took over the throne, when the pagan queen Gudit was overthrown by Mara Takla Haymanot in 1137. People started to move south, and create military colonies.
  • Jan 1, 1434

    First diplomatic relationshp with Europe

    First diplomatic relationshp with Europe
    1434-1468 Emperor Zera Yacob established the first diplomatic relationship with Europe.I nternational relations, alliances, and treaties began in Ethiopia.
  • Ethiopia declares Independance

    Ethiopia declares Independance
    Ethiopia was one of the first countries in Afrcia to gain it's independence. Menlik denounces his treaty between Ethiopia and Italy. The Italian forces are defeated when war broke out between the two countries. Italy recognizes Ethiopia%u2019s independence, but retain control over Eritrea.
  • Italian East Africa

    Italian East Africa
    Italians capture Addis Ababa, Haile Selassie flees, and the king of Italy is made the emperor of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is combined with Eritrea and Italian Somaliland becomes Italian East Africa.
  • Red Terror

    Red Terror
    1977-79 - Thousands of government opponents die in Red Terror orchestrated by Mengistu. Agriculture also began, and Tigrayan People's Liberation Front launches war for regional freedom.