The baby is born!
Physical Development (13-18 months)
May stand alone with no help for a short period of time.
Builds small towers of blocks.
Likes to grab anything and everything.
Begins to scribble. -
Intellectual Development (13-18 months)
They remember where an object belongs.
Slowly increases vocabulary to four to six words.
Has short attention span.
Says "no" more often then any other word. -
Intellectual Development (19-24 months)
Start to understand limits around the house.
Has vocabulary of 20-50 words.
Interested in tiny things, such as bugs.
Imitates parents words and inflections. -
Physical Development (19-24 months)
Walks sideways and backwards.
Loves to run, jump, and climb.
Snips paper with scissors.
Can throw ball into bascket. -
Intellectual Developmen (31-36 months)
Vocabulary from 500-1000 words.
Recongnizes self in photographs.
Becomes more skilled with putting puzzles together.
Begins to classify objects into general categories. -
Physical Development (31-36 months)
Enjoys games involving running.
Goes up stairs by alternating feet, but goes down one foot at a time.
Turns doorknobs with greater strength.
Eats with a fork.