Wilfred owen dugout

The sentry

  • we'd found a boche bug-out

    we came accross a german dug-out
  • The rain is rushing in hour by hour

    the dug-out is flooding hour by hour
  • The steps cannot be climbed because of the rain

    the rain has washed the steps out to clay
  • The smell of whizz-bangs and men who have lived their years

    there is a horrible stnch of whizz-bangs and men who have lived and died
  • we hearded from the blast and one of the set of steps got blown clean off

    there was a big blast and one of the set of stairs got blown clean off.
  • The sentry's body then his rifle came tumbbleing down

    the sentrys body then his rifle then handles of old bombs came tumbbling down from a bomb explosion
  • He whined o sir im blind im blind

    the sentry whined o sir o sir im blind so i pit a lit match infront of his eye to see if he would ever be able to see i carnt see anything
  • he was moaning but it was heard to hear because of his chattering broken teeth

    i tried to hear i really did but his teeth were unbearable
  • i see the lights

    but ours had long died out