Start Of Grade 9
Fist day of grade nine. Classes: Math, English, Tech, Sceince -
Period: to
10 Year Career Timeline
Resumé Created
Resumé created with mostly just farm work and home related duties on it. -
First Job
First job at Papa Joe's PIzzeria at anything besides a farm or family- realted opportunities. -
Second Job @ Mackie's
Second Job @ Mackie's as A Server/ Cashier -
First year of SHSM started in Sports dept. -
Buy First Car
Buy First car, by no means will it be a sports car though. -
Volunteer Work Comppleted
Volunteer work completed over summers of 2015, 2016, &'17 through big brothers & sporting events -
Moving Out/ Rent Apartment
Moving out of parents' house to go to college. -
College Started
Beggining of college. Enrolled in: Computer Systems Technology and Business Administration - Leadership and Managment. Both 3 year length courses being rewarded in Advanced Diplomas -
I plan to travel throughout college to places like large cities and tropical locations (preferrably a combo of both i.e. Panama City). -
College Graduatuion
Adnvanced Diploma Awarded In Buisness Adminstration and Computer Systems Technology -
Start Of Career
After Travelling for a while after college graduation, career will be started in Computer Systems Technology -
Moving Abroad
Moving to Either Toronto, NYC or Philidelphia -
Career Advancement
If position is not raised >3 positions business will be started.