10 Well Known Presidents

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    George Washington- 1st President

    George Washington was the first president of the United States. He unified the new nation and shaped the executative chief's duties.
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    Thomas Jefferson- 3rd President

    Thomas Jefferson improved the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 which nearly double the size of the United States.
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    Andrew Jackson- 7th President

    Andrew Jackson expanded the power of the Presidency.
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    Abraham Lincoln- 16th President

    Abrahama Lincoln led the Union into the Civil War to preserve the nation and end slavery.
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    Theodore Roosevelt- 26th President

    Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most activist presidents. He accomplished building the Panama Canal, cracking down on on business monopolies, and creating many national parks.
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    Woodrow Wilson- 28th President

    Woodrow Wilson led the United States into the war and drafted the peace plan that ended it.
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    Richard Nixon- 37th President

    Richard Nixon improved relations with the Soviet Union and China and wound down the Vietnam War. He was the only U.S. president in history to resign his office.
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    Ronald Reagan- 40th President

    Revived national pride after the turmoil of the 1960's-1970's
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    William Bill Clinton- 42nd President

    William Clinton passed the NAFTA trade agreements and cuts in the budget deficit.
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    Barack Obama- 44th President

    Barack Obama is the first African American president of the United States.