10 US historical energy facts

By MonetJ
  • Ben Franklin

    Ben Franklin
    Franklin was the first to do his experiment on lighting. He tied a key for a kit during a lighting storm. when the lighting struck the key Ben Franklin observed that both Static electricity and lighting were the exact same.
  • Electrolysis Discovered

    Electrolysis Discovered
    Scientists William Nicholson and Sir Anthony Carlisle discovered applying an electric current to water created hydrogen(H) and oxygen(O) gases. This process is called 'electrolysis.'
    Its an important for the growth, development of hydrogen energy and the hydrogen fuel cell.
  • Thomas' Electric motor

    Thomas' Electric motor
    Sir Thomas Davenport was the first even in his time to invent a machine called the electric motor, used in most electrical appliances today
  • The birth of the Morse code

    The birth of the Morse code
    Samuel Morse invented the electric telegraph, a machine that sends Morse code messages long distances across wire using combinations of long or short signals, mostly sounds but sometimes could be light.
  • The fuel Cell

    The fuel Cell
    Sir William Robert Grove created the first fuel cell. The fuel cell is a device that provides electrical energy by combining hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O).
  • And then there was light !

    And then there was light !
    Experiments after Experiments after experiments with no luck to invent an efficient source of light for night time activities. Edison invented an incandescent light bulb that could be in use for 40 hours without burning out. By 1880 his light bulbs have involved in to being used for 1200 hours
  • The Real Inventor of the Transformer

    The Real Inventor of the Transformer
    William Stanley developed the induction coil transformer. A high voltage transmission (parallel connected transformer) with high-voltage transmission lines, made it possible to spread electricity service over a wide area and allowed current to be available at different voltages
  • Wind Energy

    Wind Energy
    The first wind turbine to generate electricity was built by Charles F. Brush. Slow yet effective, ran for 20 years,and also charged batteries in the cellar of Mr.Brush's home.
  • Hoover Dam

    Hoover Dam
    During the time the Hoover Dam was built it was the largest hydroelectric producer in the world. It was built to control the flooding that took place also provide water and hydroelectric power for California and the Southwest.
  • 1st Nuclear power plant to generate electricity built

    1st Nuclear power plant to generate electricity built
    a nuclear reactor produced useful electricity for the first time.