The Birth of Tove Case
On this day a new person was brought upon this world, in the country of Denmark. -
Beginning of the Korean War
(Korean War)
The Korean War began a three year conflict when troops of North Korea, invade South Korea. This act leads to U.S. involvement when two days later, the United States Air Force and Navy are ordered by President Truman to begin their journey towards Korea. -
ANZUS Treaty
(ANZUS treaty)
On this date The United States, Australia, and New Zealand sign a mutual treaty focused on the defense of the Pacific Ocean. -
Japanese Peace Treaty
(The San Fransisco Peace Treaty)
On this date The United States, Japan, and forty-seven other nations, this treaty seeked to officially end WWI. -
Winter Olympics
(The 1952 Winter Olympics)
The 1952 Winter Olympics open in Helsinki, Finland. During said games, the first triple jump in figure skating history is performed by Dick Button. -
The first Hydrogen bomb
At Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, the first hydrogen bomb, Ivy Mike, is exploded. -
Off to America
On this day my grandmother (at the age of 4,) was sent off to the land of freedom, sent on a week long voyage over seas that would lead her to Wisconsin and eventually to her husband (in later years obviously.) -
The End of The Korean war
(The Korean War)
Fighting ceases in the Korean war with a armistice is signed between North Korea, South Korea, and the United States bringing an end to a three year long conflict. -
The Cold War continues
The Cold War continues as president Dwight D, Eisenhower approves of a top secret document saying in earnest that the communist threat must be fought with the continuation of our nuclear arsenal. -
The First Color Television
(The First Color Television)The First color televisions go on sale, although these sets weren't popular till the 1960s when the price dropped and their favorite T.V. shows were in color. -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks on the 1st of december was unjustly arrested due to an altercation between herself and the driver of the bus. This alltercation was quite a simple one, Rosa who had been sitting in the "blacks" section was asked to stand when a "white" passenger got onto the bus, Rosa refused, for that she was arrested and thus forth caused a wild fire in the race for equality starting a bus boycott. -
On this date at the age of 23 my grandmother gets married to her husband Terrence L. Case. -
Birth of Terry and Tove's first child
On this date my mother and the first born of tove (Erica) is born to the world. -
Birth of second child
Upon this day my grandmother had her second child (Britt.) -
Birth of Third
On this day my grandmother had her third child (Bjorn.) -
On this day my grandmother granduated from Alverno College. -
Birth of tove's first grandson
On this day Tove's first grandchild (Griffon,) was born from her first child, Erica. -
First Teaching Position
This was the first day on the job for my grandmother. -
The Birth of me
Upon this day I was born upon the world by my mother and my grandmother's first born, Erica, Becoming my grandmother's second grandson.