Hitler Chancellor of Germany
Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany -
First Concentration Camp was opened
The first concentration camp was opened at Dachau in Germany -
"The Night Of Broken Glass" German Jews forced to pay a 1 billiion mark fine for the damage inflicted on them by the Nazi mobs. Approximately 100 Jews were murdered. 20,000 German and Austrian Jews arrested and sent to camps, Hundreds of synagogues burned. -
Germany conquers Poland
The Nazi Reichskommisar for Jewish affairs, Reinhard Heydrich, orders that Polish Jews be gathered into ghettos near railways for future "final goal" -
Yellow Star Introduced
Jews in Poland were forced to sew a yellow star onto their clothes so that they could be easily identified. -
Zuklon-B Gas
first test use of Zyklon-B gas at Auschwitz. -
'Death Marches'
Many remaining camps were closed and evidence of their existence destroyed. Those who had survived the camps so far were taken on forced 'Death Marches'. -
Surrender of Germany
Nuremburg Trials
The Nuremburg Trials were held in Nuremburg, Germany. The trail was needed to punish people who commited crimes during the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler was most to blame for the Holocaust but was missing at the trials because he had committed suicide. (Ended October 1, 1946)