
10 Moments From The 60's

  • TV Era Of Politics

    TV Era Of Politics
    The first debate that ever happened on TV was on September 26,1960, the debate had at the time Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard Nixon. Many people ended up preferred John F. Kennedy after watching the debate happen.
  • 35th President John F. Kennedy

    35th President John F. Kennedy
    In 1961 John F. Kennedy became president of the United States, during his presidency he did many important things that changed America such as negotiating the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, supporting the Civil Rights Movement, and many more.
  • The March On Washington

    The March On Washington
    The March On Washington happened on August 28, 1963, the point of this march was to support the economic and civil rights for African Americans. This march was so important because it showed how important it was for African Americans to have the same rights as everyone else. This was also when Martin Luther King gave his " I Have A Dream Speech".
  • The Civil Rights Act Of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act Of 1964
    After President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1993. Lyndon B. Johnson became President, he helped pass The Civil Rights Act Of 1964. This right outlawed discrimination on race, sex, and religion, which made a big impact on America.
  • Malcolm X Died

    Malcolm X Died
    Malcolm X was an African American human rights activist that was popular in the early 1960s, he was known as a popular leader in The Civil Rights Movement. He influenced black Americans to fight and protect themselves against white aggression.
  • The American Feminist Movement

    The American Feminist Movement
    The American Feminist Movement which people say started because of the book " The Feminist Mystique" written by Betty Friedan. Is known as the most significant movement, this movement allowed women to they felt discriminated women didn't have as many rights as men. This movement showed the world that women aren't treated equally, and there needs to be something done about it.
  • Loving V. Virginia

    Loving V. Virginia
    Loving V. Virginia was a legal decision made during the civil rights time, this is known as one of the most significant decisions because this stopped laws that didn't allow interracial marriages.
  • Martin Luther King Jr Assassination

    Martin Luther King Jr Assassination
    Martin Luther King Jr made a big impact thought the 1960s especially during the civil rights era because of his speeches. His "I Have A Dream Speech" is something that made a huge impact on the world, he was assassinated in 1968.
  • Man On The Moon

    Man On The Moon
    In 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong is known as the first man to ever step on the moon. This was not only a huge deal for America but to the whole world.