
10 major influences

  • Proof that global temperatures are rising

    Proof that global temperatures are rising
    A little-known amateur scientist called Guy Callendar makes history by discovering the planet has warmed. he discovered that global temperatures had risen 0.3°C over the previous 50 years.
  • David Attenborough

    David Attenborough
    Sir David Frederick Attenborough is a British broadcaster, biologist, natural historian, and writer. Earned a Lifetime Achievement award in dedication for his protection and care for the planet.
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    The first Earth Day in 1970! hosted In the United States of America. 20 Million Americans protested environmental ignorance and climate change.
  • Greenpeace

    Greenpeace is an anti-environmental destruction organization, founded in 1971. They work to expose, investigate, and confront the destruction of the Earth. Working tirelessly since 1971 to ban commercial whaling, stop nuclear testing, protect the Arctic, pass the Global Oceans Treaty
  • Founding of Sea Shepard

    Founding of Sea Shepard
    Since its grassroots beginnings in 1977, Sea Shepherd has grown into an unstoppable global movement with independent groups established in over 20 countries. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is a non-profit, marine conservation activism organization. Engages in direct action campaigns to defend wildlife, and conserve and protect the world's ocean from illegal exploitation and environmental destruction.
  • Ban of International Trade of Ivory

    Ban of International Trade of Ivory
    WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) campaigned for years for the ban of international ivory trade
  • Harambe the Gorilla

    Harambe the Gorilla
    In 2016 at the Cincinnati Zoo, a young, three-year old boy fell into the enclosure of the Gorilla, Harambe. Harambe grabbed the child and dragged him through the water. In a result of crowd reaction and zookeepers panic, Harambe the Gorilla was shot and killed to save the child’s life.
  • Greta Thunberg

    Greta Thunberg
    Environmental activist, went on many strikes and created much fuss to gain media attention to save the Earth.
  • Seaspiracy

    Controversial, but this film targets and focuses on the topic of killing our oceans, over fishing, climate change and animal cruelty. these topics are extremely important and changed many peoples lives and perspectives on eating fish and most animals.
  • Hawaii Wildfires

    Hawaii Wildfires
    wildfires on the island of Maui destroyed more than 2,200 structures and caused about $5.5 billion in damages. The most significantly impacted area was the historic district of Lahaina.