10 major influence

  • dust bowl in north America

    that major agricultural practices may affect the soil and climate
  • Uks ten national parks are established

    This was when untied kingdom recognition of need to conserve natural areas
  • First earth summit- un conference on the human environment

    Declaration of UN conference. A action plan for the human environment. Environment fund established. Formation of UN environment programme. Earth summits planned at ten year intervals.
  • C.I.T.E.S formed by the IUCN

    This prevented the international trade of protected species
  • Bhopal disaster

    In 1984 a chemical plant in bhopal India releases a highly toxic chemical into the public and it would go on to kill 15,000-20,000
  • Chernobyl

    In 1986 a Russian nuclear plant had a fallout which released high amount of radiation into town nearby.
  • Rio earth summit and Kyoto protocol

    Agreement to reduce carbon emissions to counter enhanced greenhouse effect and slow down global warming.
  • Johannesburg earth summit

    It’s plan was to globally improve: water and sanitation, enegsupply issues, health, agricultural abuse. Biodiversity reduction
  • Kyoto protocol become a legal requirement

    174 countries signed and are expected to reduce carbon emissions to some 15% below excepted emission in 2008
  • An inconvenient truth

    Documentary by AI gore a former US Vice President, describe global warming