10 key historical energy events

  • Camera

    The first camera was invented by John Zahn
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The first steam engine was the power source after the industrial revolution.
  • Fuel Cell

    Fuel Cell
    The Fuel Cell was invented by Sir William Robert Grove, a device that produces electrical energy by combining hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Lightbulb

    The first light bulb was invented by Thomas Edisen. It could be used for up to 40 hours!
  • Battery

    The first battery was very different than today's battery. It consisted of cotton, copper, cardboard, and zinc. And was dipped in brine.
  • Electric Lamp

    Electric Lamp
    It was the same electric lamp we have today, just not as modern.
  • Automobile

    The first automobile was very unsafe. It is sorta like the convertible today. It is one cylinder!
  • Television

    The first t.v was invented by Philo Farnsworth he was just 21 years old. The invention happened in San Francisco
  • Microwave

    The fist microwave was invented after WWII, in which they used radar technology.
  • Neclear power plant

    Neclear power plant
    The first actual nuclear power plant in America cranked up its generators in 1954. No nuclear power plants have been licensed in the United States since the partial meltdown of the reactor core of the Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania in 1979