1608 BCE
Telescope was invented in 1608 by a man named Han's Lippershey who made the first one but then in 1668 Isacc Newton made an improvement to it. It impacts our life by seeing something far away close enough for us to see. -
1596 BCE
The Toilet
The Toilet was created by a man named John Harrington in 1596 but he made it for himself but then Alexander Cumming recreated it in public. It impacts our life today by other people not seeing our waste every time they need to use it . -
1596 BCE
Compass was invented and discovered in 1596 by Galileo. It impacts our life today by helping those camping finding our way back home . -
1590 BCE
The first useful Microscope was created by Hans Lippershey. It impacts our life today by helping us understand what is science all about. -
1517 BCE
Ninety - Five theses
The Ninety- five theses was created by Martin Luther of only questions and indulgences in 1517 and posted it outside a church called Schlosskirche. Impacts our life today by helping us understand that believing in God could take us to heaven. -
1496 BCE
The Wallpaper was invented in 1496 only rich people with decorator homes with wallpaper in England season pass for like 2 days but decorating anything we want to decorate -
1494 BCE
In Scotland , the first evidence of whiskey production comes from an enter in the Exchequer Rolls in 1494 and made by John Cor . It impacts our life today by when adults are really stress out they can drink and relax . -
1400 BCE
The Printing Press
The Printing Press was invented by a German man named Johann Gutenberg in the mid-1400 . It impacts our life by not have to look for letters and just having a better improvement which is the printer -
1377 BCE
Perspective was created by Fillipo Brunelleschi and Masaccio who made the first to use linear perspective in 1377. It impacts our life today by helping us look all over the places at the same time at look all around us . -
1300 BCE
The Clock Invenstion
The Clock was invented in 1300 by a man named Galileo who discovered the time in the clock which was 24 hours which it was improved into a watch. It impacts our life by telling us what time it is every time we look at our watch.