10 Important Events in the History of Education

By aripp03
  • The Common Schools Movement

    In the 1800s Horace Mann started a movement to create state sponsored education. This allowed children to go to school for free.
  • Measurement Movement

    The Measurement Movement was started by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon. It was a test that measured your intelligence. This is what we now know as the IQ test.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    The Brown vs. Board of Education movement desegregated schools.
  • National Defense Education Act

    The National Defense Education act was created to enhance the American School system through funds.
  • Head Start Program

    The Head start Program was created to help low income families by putting them in a program that meets their needs
  • Title 9

    Title 9 is a law the prohibits discrimination.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    The IDEA gives free appropriate education to students with disabilities.
  • Standards Movement

    This movement was used to put an emphasis on setting academic standards. It helped the teachers look at students grades and and choose which curriculum to use.
  • The Invention of Google

    The invention of Google allowed students to use the internet as a resource so they didn't have to do all of their learning from books
  • Covid-19

    Covid-19 is a global pandemic that took students out of school and forced them to learn online.