10 important events in the 13 colonies

  • Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth
    Queen Elizabeth of England , wanted wealth for her country . ( Mercantilsm )
  • Roanke

    was discovered .
  • Period: to

    13 Colonies .

  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was created .
  • Colonist Settle

    Colonist Settle
    Colonists settle at Jamestown .
  • Starving Time

    Starving Time
    80 % of colonists died from disease / stavation / Indian attacks .
  • House of B and Jamestown .

    House of B and Jamestown .
    House of Burgesses meets Jamestown .
  • Pilgrims

    Pilgrims land at plymouth .
  • Puritans settle the Massachusetts Bay

    Puritans settle the Massachusetts Bay
    Puritans settle on Massachusetts Bay Colony .
  • Thomas Hooker

    Thomas Hooker
    Thomas Hooker founds Hartford .
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Anne Hutchinson
    Anne Hutchinson founds Portsmouth .