First Steam Engine
Invented byThomas Savery and called th process "water by fire". -
Discovery of Coal
Thomas Walker was the first person to discover and use coal. -
First Biomass Energy Invented
Used as lamp fuel in the 1800s to fuels for first model cars in1908 -
First Oil Well
Created in Titusville, PA -
First Lightbulb Invented
Invented in November 1879 by Thomas Edison -
First Hydroelectric Power Plant
The First Hydroelectric Power Plant was invented in Appleton, Wisconsin. -
First Electricity-Generating Wind Turbine
First Electricity-Generating Wind Turbine was invented by Charles F. Brush in Cleveland, OH . -
First Electric Stove
Invented by William Hadaway and toward the end of the 1920s electric stoves were the "go to" of the century. -
First Electric Power from Nuclear Energy
First Electric Power from Nuclear Energy lit four light bulbs in Arco, Idaho -
The First Successful Trial of the Solar Panel
The First Successful Trial of Solar Panel happened on a telephonecarrier in GA.(Invented in NJ mid 50's)a