The Beginning of Electricity
Ben Franklin tied a key onto a kite during a storm and proved that electricity and lightning was the same, he also paved the way for future energy discoveries. -
Hans Christian Ørsted created magnetic fields that are produced by electrical currents. -
Electric Motor
Thomas Davenport invented the first electric motor which he used to power a small motor car for a short time and is still used in most appliances today. -
Electric Telegraph
Samuel Morse invented the telegraph which could send messages, encoded, over long distances by wires/cables under ground. -
Solar Power
Alexadre Edmond Becquerel discovered that shining a light on an electrode in a solution generated a current. -
Railway Air Brake
George Westinghouse invented the railroad braking system using compressed air -
Thomas Edison found 1,000 ways not to make a light bulb but found one way to make a lightbulb that could last about 40 minutes before burning out -
Wind Turbine
Charles Brush built the first turbine capable of producing energy via wind in Cleveland, Ohio -
Geothermal Electric Power Plant
Piero Ginori Conti powered five light bulbs from a dynamo driven by a reciprocating steam engine using geothermal power -
Photoelectric Cells
A device that converts sunlight directly into electricity. it was invented by James Clerk Maxwell