10 events timeline

  • Women's Suffrage

    Women's Suffrage
    • Location: Washington D.C
    • A decade long fight to win the right to vote for women in the United States. Reformers and Activists fought for nearly 100 years to win that right; and it was not easy.
  • The KKK terrorizes the Nation

    The KKK terrorizes the Nation
    The Ku Klux Klan is a terrorist group that formed after the civil war ended in 1865. These terrorists seek to accomplish their goals by fear through violent acts. The Klan grew tremendously in the 1960's where the movement of civil rights for African Americans began. The violent crimes began to increase against african americans and anyone else that supported the movement.
  • Earhart Crosses Atlantic

    Earhart Crosses Atlantic
    Location: Wales Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to pilot a plane across the Atlantic, from Newfoundland to Wales. She became an American national heroine and feminist icon.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Production was already beginning to decline and unemployment began to rise. Among the other causes of stock market crash low wages, and the growth of debt. This event caused the great depression where many families were out of jobs, they couldn't put food on the table, it was a major slump.
  • The 20th Ammendment

    The 20th Ammendment
    The 20th ammendment was passed by congress to reduce the presidential transition. Members of the congress and the President would have a period of time where they would serve the remainder of their term after an election. This was an important event as it would help there not to be a dictator and for there to be rights.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    On December 7th, 1941 Japanese airplanes made a surprise attack on the US Navy In Pearl Harbor. Many ships were destroyed and many lives were lost. The attack on pearl harbor forced the US to engage in World War II
  • Hawaii becomes a State

    Hawaii becomes a State
    Hawaii becomes the 50th state, due to a popular vote in Hawaii where more than 93% of the voters approved of having the territory becoming a State. Hawaii is a key spot for American Whaling ships, fertile ground for american protestant missionaries, and a new source of sugar cane production.
  • The Beatles Break Up

    The Beatles Break Up
    The all time rock band "The Beatles", Split up nearly 50 years ago causing the world's most famous breakup. It was a cultural reset, the beatles were famous as they experienced many different music genres and loved their fans dearly.
  • 9/11 Terroist Attack

    9/11 Terroist Attack
    Nearly 3,000 people were killed during the 9/11 terroist attack. This event triggered major U.S initiatives to fight terroism and basically defined President George Bush's presidency.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was the most expensive cost in U.S history. It was also the most destructive hurricane to ever hit the united states. Its damage nearly costed $108 billion worth of property. It began on August 23rd, 2005 and lasted until August 31,2005.