10 Events that Has Changed Structure and Function of Work from 2001 to 2015

  • The September 11 Attacks

    The September 11 Attacks
    After the 9/11 attacks, Afghan War and Iraq War broke out. Lots of young U.S. soldiers and Korean soldiers have been deployed overseas. Both U.S. and Korean army have organized new organizations in military structure by sending their troops overseas. source
  • Facebook

    Due to Facebook, people has become more social, and organized lots of organization online in a new concept.
  • Obama presidency

    Obama presidency
    sourceIn coordination with Michelle Obama, signed Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010 mandating $4.5 billion spending boost and higher nutritional and health standards for school lunches. New rules based on the law, released in January, double the amount of fruits and vegetables and require only whole grains in food served to students.
  • iPhone 3GS

    iPhone 3GS
    Smartphone has vecome essential for today's society from iPhone 3GS. The great distribution of smartphone completely changed our work and daily life. There is no more border between work and home. We can simply check our important emails and documents on our mobile phone whenever and wherever we want.
  • Greek depression

    Greek depression
    source2source1Due to Greek depression, shipbuilding industry in South Korea has been struggling as well. Many shipyard(such as Samsung and DSME) have no choice but to lay off. Resignation under instruction has become a new trend in shipbuilding industry.
  • EDR(Car's black box)

    EDR(Car's black box)
    Since EDR has become familiar to public, we can use the data as evidences of crimes. This brought a change in reporting system in Korea. People can report from minor offense to serious criminal offense on mobile app with black box video as the evidence.
  • Gangnam Style

    Gangnam Style
    source Since his breakout hit “Gangnam Style” debuted in July 2012, it has become the most watched video on YouTube to date, scoring over 2.1 billion (that’s billion with a ‘b’) views. While this feat is staggering in itself, Google posted a nugget on YouTube’s Google+ page on Monday about this accomplishment, saying that it’s been viewed so many times they’ve been required to “upgrade” the video site’s
  • Pres. Park inauguration

    Pres. Park inauguration
    Since President Park inauguration in South Korea, Korean government has become chaotic, especially when there is a crisis. She prefers one-way communication rather than two-way. Therefore, she has not had face-to-face report when Korea was going through MERS, Sewol sinking and North Korea's provocation. Her communication style has affected the whole organizations related to the government
  • The sinking of MV Sewol

    The sinking of MV Sewol
    source Since Sewol tregedy, all Koreans gathered together to urge making right investigation. A new organization has established for the victims of Sewol sinking, and yellow ribbon became a symbol of rememberance.
  • Same-sex marriage legalization

    Same-sex marriage legalization
    source Same-sex marriage, the latest event, will make adaption easier. Moreover, many different policies related to same-sex marriage will be carried out in a few years.