10 events .

  • A first,

    Helen Magill is the first woman to recieve a Ph.D at a US school , a doctorate in Greek from Boston University.
  • Voting rights.

    The Susan B Anthony amended , to give women voting rights, is introduced to congress.
  • Belva

    Belva Lockwood is the first woman to receive votes in a presidential election.
  • Suffrage .

    For the only time in the century , ther senate voted for women suffrage. It lost 34-18. 25 senators didn't even vote.
    & dates still not right .. only the year,.
  • First women elected.

    Jeannette Rankin of Montana becomes the first women elected to the us Congress.
  • pass suffrage.

    House of representatives and the US Senate pass the women's suffrage amendment.
  • Cabinet

    Frances PErkins , the first woman in a Presidential cabinet serves as Secretary of Labor.
  • 400,00 joined military

    The government urged women to get jobs during the war, 7 million responded and 400,00 joined the military. ( & the dates not right up there .
  • 80%

    Women industrial workers begin to lose their jobs to returning men, surveys show 80% want to continue working.
  • Equal voting.

    The number of women to men voting is equal for the first time.
    ( & month an day is wrong .