10 Discoveries in Chemistry by DJ

  • Discovery of Oxygen

    Priestly discovered oxygen in 1774. He conducted experiments distinguishing various type of gas. He used an inverted container on a platform that captured the gases. He called this the philologist theory.
  • Volume- Temperature Gas

    In 1802, Joseph Gay-Lussac discovered the formulation of the volume-temperature gas law relation, one of the forerunners to the ideal gas law. He experimented with how temperature changes in gas affect the volume of the amount of space it takes up.
  • Atoms combine into molecules

    There are several ways that atoms can combine. In one way, atoms are put together to form things called molecules. To understand molecules, you have to understand what an atom is made up of. ... The neutrons and protons are all stuck together in the middle of the atom, making up what's called the nucleus.
  • Synthesis of Urea

    In 1828, Friedrich Wohler, is considered to be the father of organic chemistry. He discovered how you could take a non-living mineral and make a substance that is present in living beings such as urea from urine.
  • The Spectroscope

    In 1850, Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchoff invented the spectroscope.They were able to discover cesium and rubidium with the help of the spectroscope. This invention helps in space exploration.
  • The Periodic Table of Elements

    In 1864, Dimitri Mendeleev worked to put some order into the chemical elements. He worked on a set of cards arranging them into assorted patterns. He named his new discovery the periodic table of elements.
  • Benzene Ring

    August Kekule discovered the foundation for the structural theory of organic chemistry. In 1865, he discovered the benzene ring as a basis for a major group of carbon molecules.
  • Discovery of Radioactivity

    In 1898, Marie Curie, along with her husband, investigated radioactivity. She discovered polonium and radium. Her research helped in developing x rays. She was the first woman to receive a Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Lewis dot theory

    In 1900, Gilbert Lewis discovered that electrons in atoms went in shells around the nucleus. He is known for his discovery of the covalent bond and his concept of electron pairs. His Lewis dot structures have helped modern theories of chemical bonding.
  • The Atomic Theory

    In the early 1900's, John Dalton discovered the atomic theory. He stated that all matter consists of atoms. They are indestructible. All the atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties. He also found that compounds are formed by a combination of two or more different kind of atoms.