1.2 l French and Indian War

  • French and Indian War Ends

    This was the war responsible for the ensuing acts, it was fought between the French and the British as a dispute over colonial possessions. In response the British and colonists built forts and fought the French
  • Period: to

    1.2 l French and Indian War

  • Sugar Act

    The tax in importing sugar from the Caribbean was lowered 6 to 3 cents per gallon however the English started to enforce the tax by cutting down on smuggling, this also removed the right of colonial courts to try smugglers whom they were lenient to.
  • Stamp Act

    This act declared that all printed material had to have a stamp which cost money, this was enacted in order to raise money for the crown. In response the colonist created the Stamp Act Congress which decided to boycott British goods
  • Declaratory Act

    In response to the colonial protest of the Stamp Act the British Parliament repealed it but also passed the Declaratory Act which stated that the government's ability to tax in the colonies was the same as in the Great Brittan. This further colonists towards thinking that Parliament was tyrannical and increased violent outburst towards British officials.
  • Townshend Acts

    These acts, among other things, allowed the British to cracked down on smuggling as well as tax things such as glass, lead, paint, and tea. The colonists again responded with boycotts as well as organizations promoting the homemade alternatives to British goods such as home-spun clothing.
  • Tea Act

    The Tea Act was one of the only remaining act from the Townshend acts as British merchants did their best to get rid of the other acts because they caused the merchants to loose money. In response the colonists protested and held the Boston Tea Party which caused a modern day equivalent of a four-million dollar loss.
  • The American Revolution

    This was the war fought for American independence from England starting in 1775. It was fought over the colonies not having representation in parliament among other political tensions of the time.