The Cotton Gin
The cotton gin was the machine invented by Eli Witney, it separated the cottonseed from the cotton so the process would go faster. The North used this invention to move towards civilization while it helped the south evolve agriculturally. Both sides started disagreeing on their way of life and that's when the tension started to build. -
Economic and social differences between the North and the South.
Over time the North turned to industry and the South stuck with agriculture. Since the North no longer had the need for slaves they because anti-slavery. The South's only way to live the way they did was to own slaves. Both sides disagreed with each other's way of life creating the most tension. -
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Stephen Arnold Douglas
Stephen Arnold Douglas was an American politician and a leader of the democratic party. he was an influence on the compromise of 1850. he helped to create tension between the two regions because he was a part of making the compromise witch did a lot to create tension. -
The Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was an agreement that said Missouri was a slave state, Maine as a free state, and any territories North of Missouri band slavery. This was one of the problems between the North and South that upset them both building more tension between the two sides of the country. -
The Peculiar Institution
The Peculiar Institution is the practice of keeping slaves in the South. the Northerners did not agree with slavery and helped slaves escape to the North. The Southerners most likely did not like that the Northerners were helping their slaves escape so it helped to make the tension between the two places. -
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Growth of the Abolition Movement.
The abolition movent is an anti slavery movement. The North supported it, the South didn't. It was just another thing they both disagreed with. -
Nat Turner’s Rebellion
Nat Turner’s Rebellion was when Nat Turner led a rebellion of enslaved Virginian poeple in Southampton County, Virginia that killed over 50 people most of them white. Turner's plan was to eliminate slavery but instead increased the tension between the North and South because it made more discontent with slavery. -
Alexis de Tocqueville
In 1831 Alexis de Tocqueville came to the USA to study the prisons of America. He studied the north and south and made many observations in which he wrote a perspective analysis in 1835, he understood why southerners had slaves and didn't think they should be allowed to escape. -
Frederick Douglass
In 1838 Frederick Douglass escaped from slavery, and when he finally got free he wrote the famous narrative about his life, this had a bad effect on the south because it showed people what it would be like to be treated so badly. -
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The Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso was an unuseful proposal by David Wilmot saying that slavery could not go into the USA territory taken from Mexico in the Mexican- American war. This built tension between North and South because the North wanted no slavery while the South wanted more slavery and one side didn't get what they wanted, therefore, building tension. It started in 1846 and ended then The Compromise of 1850 started. -
The Mexican War Ends
When the Mexican war ended a lot of land went to the USA. The North and South both wanted the territories. Not both of them could have it hence the tension. -
Mexican cession
The Mexican cession was when Mexico signed over 525000 square miles to America for $15 million. Both the North and South wanted the land to be a slave state or a free state. this increased tension. -
The Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 involved 5 laws.
1. California was a free state.
2. Reminder Mexican cession was divided into two territories.
3. $10 million payment to taxes for their portion of New Mexico.
4. Runaway slaves had to return to their owners even if in a free state.
5. Buying and selling of slaves were baned.
A lot of these laws weren't liked by the north and south giving more reasons to have a war. -
The Compromise of 1850; law 1
The first law was that California was a free state. Both the South and North wanted to claim California as a free or slave state and when the North got what they wanted (California to be a free state) the South was upset. this created tension. -
The Fugitive Slave Act
The Fugitive Slave Act was the act where runaway slaves had to go back to their owners even if they had gotten to a free state. This was obviously unfair especially for the slaves and created a lot of tension between the South and North because the south was against slavery. -
The buying and selling of slaves was abolished in the District of Columbia.
When buying and selling slaves was baned tension increases greatly between the North and South. Slaves were the only way the South could work since they stuck to agriculture. The South got upset that they couldn't sell or buy slaves and the North was probably happier. this obviously would and did create tension between them. -
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was a book by Harriet Beecher Stowe published in 1852. The book was anti-slavery, therefore, affecting the North and South. It strengthened the anti-slavery movement abolitionism for the North and lessened British sympathy for the South. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Kansas-Nebraska Act was a bill that said the settlers of a territory could choose if slavery was or was not allowed. The North and South started to contest for the territory making tension and eventually leading to the civil war. -
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Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding Kansas was a war between pro-slavery, and anti-slavery lasting for roughly four years. the south was pro-slavery and the north was anti-slavery. The north and south didn't like each other before and this just made it worst. -
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Sanford made a legal case where the supreme court ruled that the slave Dred Scott wasn't entitled to his freedom even though he had escaped to a free state and that African Americans would not and would never be considered citizens of the USA. This infuriated abolists and the North and South divided more over slavery. -
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates was 7 debates between Lincon and Douglass focused on the expansion of slavery. In the end, they came to one conclusion that didn't satisfy one of the regions creating tension. -
John Brown’s Raid
John Brown an abolitionist, lead a small raid in West Virginia against the federal armory in the hope to stop the institution of slavery. The North supported the raid while the South did not and balmed the North for it. -
Abraham Lincoln’s Election
Lincoln was elected in 1860. When he became president he opposed slavery and soon stopped it. The South wasn't ok with this and it leads to the civil war. -
The Battle of Fort Sumter
The Battle of Fort Sumter is an island in South Carolina where the civil war first started. The tension between the 2 regions was so immense they had to start a war. -
Civil War
In 1865 the North and South had a civil war over slavery. This had a big effect on both sides because the North wanted to end slavery and the South wanted to continue slavery, this created tension because they both wanted different things for our country.