04.5 American Revolution Timeline-100 pts

  • The sugar act

    The Sugar Act was important because it made the colonies hostile because of the distrust in the parliament.
  • The Stamp act

    The Stamp act
    The Stamp Act was important because it enraged Americans which made them want to fight Britain.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was important because it helped by shocking the colonies so they would go against Great Britain.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was important by helping improve support from the colonies for the American revoulution
  • The Minutemen

    The Minutemen
    The Minutemen were important because they provided mobility and strength to military threats.
  • Paul Revere (1735-1818)

    Paul Revere (1735-1818)
    Paul revere was important because he helped inform the plans of the British attack on Boston
  • The Lexington and Concord Battles

    The Lexington and Concord Battles
    The Lexington and Concord battles were important because they convinced many Americans to fight for independence.
  • John Adams (1735-1826)

    John Adams (1735-1826)
    John Adams was important because he was the leader of the movement for independence.
  • The Bunker Hill Battle

    The Bunker Hill battle was important because even if they did lose they showed they could hold their own against the British.
  • Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826

    Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826
    Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.
  • John Hancock (1737-1793)

    John Hancock (1737-1793)
    John Hancock was part of the team that created the Declaration of Independence, and he was also the first person to sign it.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was important because it made it so the colonies could become allies with the French to help against the British.
  • The Saratoga battle

    The Saratoga battle was important because it helped lift the patriot's morale and also helped get foreign help.
  • The articles of confederation

    The Articles of Confederation are important because they established the functions of the United States national government after declaring independence from Great Britain.
  • The French alliance

    The French alliance was important because it promoted trade between the French and Americans and made it so America was recognized as independent.
  • The Yorktown battle

    The Yorktown battle was important because it led to peace negotiations and also made America independent.
  • George Wasington (1732-1799)

    George Wasington (1732-1799)
    George Washington was important because his leadership held the American military together and got the win in the Yorktown battle.
  • The Treaty of paris

    The Treaty of Paris was important because it ended the American Revolution and acknowledged America's independence.
  • U.S. Constitution signed

    The U.S. Constitution getting signed was important because it gave the government with power to act on the national level.
  • Alexander Hamilton (1775-1804)

    Alexander Hamilton (1775-1804)
    Alexander Hamilton convinced most of New York to ratify the constitution.