04.4 American Revolution Timeline--People, Events, Causes, and Effects

By tak1218
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    Indian War

    The Indian war was one of many wars, it was fought by European government and Canadian and North American governments against some of the first Native tribes and American Indian tribes. It was the first event on this timeline and the last. It lasted almost 400 years, it was an important war that ended many disagreements among the different tribes and people.
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    Sam Adams lifetime

    Sam Adams was a cousin to president John Adams. He helped a great deal in the Stamp Act. He also had a very big role in the Boston Tea party.
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    George and Martha Washington

    George Washington was the first United States president, he led many wars and eventually helped create the new country, the Unite States. He helped lead the new country for as long as he could and eventually passed away in 1799. Martha Washington helped manage all of George Washington's estates and raised their children. Before passing away in 1802.
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    John and Abigail Adams

    John Adams was one of the first presidents of the United States, he lived from 1735-1826. He played the biggest role in the independence movement. Abigail Adams lived from 1744-1818. She played a big role in ending slavery, and she always had something to say about women's educational rights.
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    Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson did a lot for the United States, he was the second Vice President and the Third President of the United States. He was also the first Secretary of State. He was also one of the several people that sighed the Declaration of Independence.
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    French War

    The French war was another war that was fought against American colonies and the British Empire.
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    Alexander Hamiltin

    Alexander Hamilton did a lot of great things, he fought in several different wars, and helped to start up the new country. He played a big role in creating the new country, and even ran for president but lost to John Adams.He even had a musical dedicated to him and that actually is what helped me find the answers to most of these.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 was a boundary that was created by the British that ran through the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was an act that passed law for colonists to pay for British troops who were stationed in the colonies while in the Seven Year War.
  • Quartering Act,

    The Quartering Act, was an event that denied British soldiers from being quarted in any private home
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was a major event that took place in Boston Massachusetts, where British soldiers shot people out of the crowd and people that were verbally assaulting them. .
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a huge event and is one of the most memorable events. It was a protest in Massachusetts and it left a huge mark and definitely changed things for the better.
  • Boston Port Act

    The Boston Port Act, was an act that closed of the trading port to all Boston citizens, and forced them to pay large fines to pay for all of the tea that was thrown in the sea during the Boston Tea Party.
  • Massachusetts Government Act

    The Massachusetts Government Act, was an event that was meant to punish Boston Citizens after the Boston Tea Party
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    First Continental Congress

    The first ever Continental Congress only lasted about a month. It was a work in progress and took a minute to figure out, but the idea of it was that several different colonies would come together and be able to make different choices.
  • The second Continental Congress

    This was a group that was made, to help make different choices for The United States. It was made up of people from the thirteen different colonies to come together and make calls for the new country.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was one of the biggest accomplishments in American history. This was a document that was signed by many people to claim the United States as its own country.
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    French Alliance

    The French Alliance was a agreement that was passed to offer French aid to whom would need it in the thirteen American colonies.
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    Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown was on of the greatest victories, it was the battle in which America colonies won the fight and were able to claim freedom.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris was a document that was signed by the British, to end the Revolutionary War.