The first movie adaptation of Frankenstein was just 14 minutes long, produced by Edison Manufacturing Company. Owned by Thomas Edison, the company both produced batteries, and created Kinetoscope films. -
Life Without Soul
The second film adaptation of Frankenstein, & the first and only silent full-length one. An early, if not the earliest, instance of the "it was just a dream" plot twist. -
Arguably the most famous of the Frankenstein adaptations. Arguably the most iconic mad scientist scene ever committed to film. ("It's alive!! It's alive!!) -
Bride of Frankenstein
Will Dr. Frankenstein be able to provide a body for the Bride? Will Dr. Praetoris finally get his hands on a brain? Will Lady Frankenstein be cool? -
Son of Frankenstein
Dr. Wolf von Frankenstein returns to his ancestral home with his wife, Elsa. To his surprise, the creature his father had created was still alive. -
Frankenstein Created Woman
Gender-bending Frankenstein, wherein Frankenstein transplants the brain of a man he knows into his girlfriend. And it works. -
Andy Warhol's Frankenstein
Lust, gore and 3-D. Monks, henchman, and stable boys. A baron plans to create beautiful zombies out of freshly killed spare parts. Shot in Italy. -
A med student attempts to rebuild a body for his girlfriend, who'd been decapitated in a freak accident. WILL HE SUCCEED? -
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
One of the rare instances in which whoever wrote the character of Frankenstein's creature did so with the original text in mind. -
I, Frankenstein
The Gargoyle Queen joins Frankenstein's monster, renamed Adam, in his battle against demons from across the globe,