Zlata Timeline

  • War Starts in Dubrovnik

    War Starts in Dubrovnik
    Today I saw pictures of Durbrovnik on T.V. horrible. We are all worried about Srdjan and his family
  • What War Brings

    War is no joke, it seems to destroy,kill, burns, separates, and brings unhappiness.
  • No Friend Left

    No Friend Left
    Everyone has gone. I am left with no friends.
  • Nina

    And Nina is dead, a piece of shrapnel dodgedinto her brain and she died.
  • Braco in the Hospital

    Braco in the Hospital
    Mommy went to see Braco in the hospital today. She said he was getting better.
  • Mlado was Killed

    Mlado was Killed
    Mladjo, Srdyan's brother was killed in front of his house yesterday.
  • Drama Club Boy

    Drama Club Boy
    A boy from by drama club got killed.
  • Mimmy is Going to be Published

    Mimmy is Going to be Published
    And I have heard you Mimmy are going to be published.
  • Braco Almost Killed

    Braco Almost Killed
    Braco fled with his best friend, and Braco had to swim on his broken leg out to survive and hen run to safelty
  • Bobo

    Bobo is dead.
  • Dead

    There little games resulted in 15,000 dead in Sarajevo 3,000 of them children.
  • Nedo

    The other sad news in that Nedo is leaving.
  • Cicko and Cici Dead

    Cicko and Cici Dead
    Our Cici dead, awful, first Cicko and now Cici.
  • Jahorina

    All the houses on Jahorina have been burned down to the ground and everything has been taken.
  • Thinking About You

    Thinking About You
    Peopel worry about us, they think about us, but sub- humans want to destroy us Why? I keep asking myselfWhy? We haven't done anything. We're innocent people, but helpless.
  • Paris

    And then... The light of paris appeared. I am now safe, with water, gas, electricity, and food.