Zech's Invention Timeline

  • 500

    Bronze weapons

    Bronze weapons
    About 5500 years ago metal workers desgned bronze weapons.All bronze weapons stayed sharper then copper ones.They made bronze weapons by smellting copper ores and tin ores in one pot
  • Hot Air Balloon

    The Frech Montgolfer brothers made the hot air balloon in 1782.The very first human passengers had to put out some fires because they used straw and wood for fuel.
  • Light Bulb

    Light Bulb
    There is no air in light bulbs today.If there was air inside it would burn out in no time. The first light bulbs failed because of the air inside. In 1879 Thomas Edison made the first light bulb after many tries.
  • Basketball

    James Naismith invented basketball as a game that could be played in the winter. He started the game in 1891 in Massachusetts. He started with a soccer ball and a peach basket for goals.
  • Vaccum Ceaner

    Vaccum Ceaner
    With the very first vacuum cleaner it needed a horse and a cart to pull it around the house .It was a successfull vacuum cleaner.In 1902 an english man named huburt cecil booth made the very first electric vacuum cleaner that didn't need a horse and a cart to pull it around the house
  • Fridge

    Early refrigerators in the 19th century killed many people because the gas inside the fridge leaked. It was a poisonous gas. In 1929, the gas was changed to freon. Freon was a non-poisonous gas.
  • Microwave

    The microwave was made by Percy L. Spencer in 1953. He discovered melted chocolate in his pocket and thought that a machine could be made to heat food. Microwaves work by heating things from the inside.