Who was Zachary Taylor father?
Zachary Taylor Father was Richard Taylor -
Zachary Taylor BIrthdate is November 24, 1787. -
What state was he born in?
The state he was born in is Barbour, Virgina United states -
what was his religion?
Zachary Taylor religion is Episcopal -
Zachary Taylor married Margaret Mackall Smith -
Another child of Zachary Taylor is Sarah Knox Taylor -
When did Zachary father died?
Zachary Taylor died January 19, !829 -
Zachary Taylor died on July 9,1850 because of a stomach flu -
Presidency Began
Zachary Taylor begin being president in July 1850 -
What age did he die?
He died at age 65 -
what is the place of death?
Zachary Taylor place of death is Washigton D.C United States -
what time did Zachary Taylor die?
Zachary Taylor died at 10:35 p.m. -
Zachary Taylor had alot of children the picture down below shows a picture of Margaret,Octavia