Zachary Taylor Birth
He was born near Barboursville, Virginia -
His marrige
He married Margaret Mackall Smith -
His first child is born
Ann Margart Mackall was born. Little is know about her. -
war hero
he commanding troop in the war of 1812 -
Second Daughter born
Sarah Knox Taylor the picture is when she was at the age of 16 years old -
his 3rd child
Octavia Pannill was his first son that was born. -
the fourth child born
Margaret Elizabeth was born. She died in 1820. -
Fifth Child is born
Mary Elizabith Taylor was born -
Sixth child is born
Richard Taylor was born in to the family. He deid in 1879. -
the black hawk war
The 12th President
He was the president of the United States of America. -
President fell ill
The President got sick on 4th July. Some people thought his wife poison him. But he did from a natural cause. -
Death of the President
Zachary Taylor died in Washington D.C. He is buried in Zachary Taylor National Cementery that is near Louisville, Kentucky.