Zachary Taylor

  • Birth

    On November 24, 1784, Zachary Taylor was born to Richard and Sarah Taylor.
  • education

    zachary taylor received a basic education. he was one of the only presidents to not go to college.
  • Zachary Taylor joined the army

    Zachary Taylor joined the army
    Zachary Taylor joined the army at the age of 22. He served in the Mexican-American war and helped them win many battles. He was in the army until 1849.
  • Marriage

    On June 21, 1810, Zachary Taylor married Margaret Smith.
  • Ann Mackall was born

    Ann Mackall was born
    Ann was the Taylor family's first child
  • Fort Harrison

    Fort Harrison
    He was in control of Fort Harrison after Harrison instructed him to leave Fort Knox. Then a 600-man Native war party approached Fort Harrison on September 4th, 1812.
  • Sarah Knox was born

    Sarah Knox was born
    Sarah was the second child of the Taylor's second daughter who was born in 1814.
  • Battle of credit island

    Battle of credit island
    zachary taylor defeated indian forces at the battle of credit island.
  • Octavia Panill was born

    Octavia Panill was born
    Octavia was the third daughter who died four years later of a fever.
  • Margaret and Octavia died

    Margaret and Octavia died
    Margaret and Octavia died of a fever in 1820. Margaret was only one years old.
  • Margaret Smith was born

    Margaret Smith was born
    Margaret was born in 1819 and died of a fever a year later.
  • Moved

    In November of 1822, Zachary Taylor moved his family to louisiana.
  • Mary Elizabeth was born

    Mary Elizabeth was born
    Mary was born in 1824 as the fifth daughter to Zachary and Margaret Taylor.
  • Richard was born

    Richard was born
    Richard Taylor was born in 1826 as the first son of the Taylor's, he was also their only son.
  • Battle of Lake Okeechobee

    Battle of Lake Okeechobee
    zachary taylor defeated the natives at Battle of Lake Okeechobee.
  • congressional gold medal 1

    congressional gold medal 1
    Zachary Taylor was awarded is first congressional gold medal in 1846
  • The Battle of Palo Alto

    The Battle of Palo Alto
    General Zachary Taylor defeated a superior Mexican force in the Battle of Palo Alto.
  • Battle of Resaca de la Palma

    Battle of Resaca de la Palma
    Zachary Taylor commanded forces at the Battle of Resaca de la Palma.
  • Battle of Monterrey

    Battle of Monterrey
    General Taylor attacked Monterrey on September 21, 1846 and the battle went on until September 24 when they agreed to an armistice.
  • congressional gold medal 2

    congressional gold medal 2
    Zachary Taylor was awarded his second congressional gold medal in 1847
  • Battle of Buena Vista

    Battle of Buena Vista
    On February 2, 1847 Zachary Taylor and the Mexican soldiers battled and it lasted until February 23 with Zachary Taylor leading his army back to Nueva Agua.
  • congressional gold medal 3

    congressional gold medal 3
    Zachary Taylor was awarded his 3rd and final congressional gold medal in 1848 for is efforts in the mexican-american war
  • Became president

    Became president
    On March 4, 1849, Zachary Taylor became the 12th US president.
  • Inauguration

    Zachary Taylor was inaugurated as the 12th US president.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Taylor amended the compromise of 1850 which was passed three months after his death
  • Sick

    On July 4th 1850, Zachary Taylor consumed large quantities of cherries and milk which made him fall ill of 'Cholera Morbus'.
  • death

    zachary taylor died on july 9, 1850 of acute indigestion.
  • Funeral and Burial

    Funeral and Burial
    On July 13th, 1850 Zachary Taylor was buried.
  • Grave site moved

    Grave site moved
    His grave was moved from the congressional cemetery in Washington DC to Zachary Taylor National Cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • Exhumation

    Zachary Taylor's body was exhumed on June 17, 1991. They did this because some believed he had been poisoned . The exhumation led to show that there was a trace amount of arsenic in his remains but not enough to kill.