Fort sumter battle hero

Zach Miller Civil War Timeline

  • The Republican Party Was Founded

    The Republican Party Was Founded
    Anti-Slavery Whigs and Free Soilers met to form a new political party that would oppose slavery on moral grounds
  • The Raid On Haper's Ferry

    The Raid On Haper's Ferry
    John Brown, a white abolitionist, attempts to start an armed slave uprising, but is overrun and captured by Robert E Lee, a US Marine at the time.
  • President Abraham Lincoln Is Elected

    President Abraham Lincoln Is Elected
    Abraham Lincoln represented the new Republican party and won the election even though he was not on most ballots in the south.
  • The Confederate States of America was created

    The Confederate States of America was created
    South Carolina and seven other states leave the Union and create the CSA. They make their capital Richmond, Virginia and elect Jefferson Davis as their president
  • The Civil War Begins

    The Civil War Begins
    Confederate troops fire the first shots of the war at the Union military base Ft. Sumter in the Charleston Harbor.
  • The Battle of Bull Run

    The Battle of Bull Run
    The 1st major battle of the war takes place near ManassasJunction, 25 miles from Washington DC. The battle begins with a Union offensive but they are unprepared for the Confederate defenses and loose the battle. The battle shows that it would be a long war with many casualties.
  • The Battle of Antietam

    The Battle of Antietam
    Confederate troops invaded the north along Antietam Creek in Maryland. However they were outnumbered and were pushed back in the bloodiest battles of the war. Although General McClellen's strategy failed and cost many lives, it lead to a Union victory.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    After the Battle of Antietam, President Lincoln issues The Emancipation Proclamation, which orders all slaves to be freed in the south, even though he does not have the power to do so.
  • The Battle of Chancellorsville

    The Battle of Chancellorsville
    Robert E Lee divides his forces and invades Chancellorsville pushing Union defenses back even though they were outnumbered two to one and led to a confederate victory. During the battle General Stonewall Jackson was hit by friendly fire and died eight days later from his injuries
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    After the victor at Chancellorsville, Robert E Lee pushed further into Union territory and engaged Union forces at Gettysburg, PA. During the attack Confederate troops were picked off by Union troops who had the high ground. Thousands of Confederates died and Robert E Lee ordered a retreat back to rebel territory.
  • The Battle of Vicksburg

    The Battle of Vicksburg
    Ulysses S Grant surrounds and captures the city of Vicksburg, MS and the Union regains control of the Mississippi River, isolating the Confederacy.
  • The Destruction of Atlanta

    The Destruction of Atlanta
    The city of Atlanta, GA was completely destroyed by William T Sherman at the beginning of his march to the sea. This cut off Confederate supply routes and hurt the moral of Confederate troops
  • The Confederate Surrender

    The Confederate Surrender
    After abandoning the Confederate capitol of Richmond, Robert E Lee's troops were surrounded and forced to surrender at the Appomattax Courthouse and ended the civil war after four long years.
  • Abraham Lincoln is Assasinated

    Abraham Lincoln is Assasinated
    Soon after the end of the was Abraham Lincoln was shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth, a confederate supporter, while seeing a play at Ford's Theater. Andrew Johnson became the new president and ended Lincoln's plan for reconstruction.
  • The 13th Amendment is Ratified

    The 13th Amendment is Ratified
    The 13th Amendment if ratified by Congress and frees abolishes slavery in the US.