
Z for Zachariah

By nbray29
  • Smoke Signals

    Smoke Signals
    For three days in a row Ann saw smoke rising from over the hill.
  • The smoke gets closer

    The smoke gets closer
    For the past few days the smoke signals have been getting closer and closer to Ann house.
  • Ann lets the animals out

    Ann lets the animals out
    Ann decides to let the animlas out of their cages because she knows that someone is coing and does not them to know that she is there.
  • Ann sees the man

    Ann sees the man
    Ann sees the man that is responsible for the smoke over the hill and he is headed for her house.
  • The families dog comes back

    The families dog comes back
    The families dog Fido comes back to their house after it ran off.
  • The man jumped the dead stream

    The man jumped the dead stream
    The man jumped in the dead stream because he didn't test the water first.
  • Ann learns what the mans name

    Ann learns what the mans name
    Ann finds out that the mans name is John loomis.
  • john gets sick

    john gets sick
    John is sick from the water in the dead stream when he jumped into it.
  • John gets worse

    John gets worse
    john fever gets worse and he might die.
  • john might be dead

    john might be dead
    Ann thinks that john is dead becuase he has been in his tent all day.
  • Johns better

    Johns better
    John is getting better but still won't wake up.
  • Anns birthday

    Anns birthday
    Its Anns birthday and she is turning sixteen.
  • Can john walk

    Can john walk
    John is learning to walk agian.
  • Wheat and Beans

    Wheat and Beans
    Ann goes to her neighbors house and plantss wheat and beans.
  • Ann is in the cave

    Ann is in the cave
    Ann goes to live in the cave agian after john starts acting different
  • Safe suit

    Safe suit
    Ann is know wearing the safe suit.