The klondike gold rush 3

Yukon Territory & The Klondike Gold Rush

By 746040
  • Martha Black Prospects for Gold

    Martha Black Prospects for Gold
    Martha Black prospected for gold in the Klondike Gold Rush.

    She was one of the only women actually prospecting for gold. Whereas most families that were prospecting for gold, the men would do the porospecting while the women would take care of the children.
  • Dawson City Is Founded

    Dawson City Is Founded
    First Nations people often used the Klondike River for fishing. When gold was found in the Klondike River in 1896, a surveyor began to survey the land for a town he knew would draw a lot of people near to live, hence the gold being so nearby. <ahref='<href='' >Dawson City</a' >Dawson City </a> Dawson City was the largest city West of Winnipeg.
  • Klondike Gold Rush; The Beginning

    Klondike Gold Rush; The Beginning
    Prospects discover placer gold in Klondike River, Yukon Territory. This was the very beginning of the Klondike gold rush.
  • A Mountain Pass Is Made

    A Mountain Pass Is Made
    A Mountain Pass to the Yukon called Chilikoot Pass [ ' >Chilikoot Pass](<a href='<a href=' gets 1500 steps carved into it to make an easier route for stampeders. These stampeders are now allowed to cut through the mountain for a quicker, more effiiciant route to the Klondike Gold Rush in the Yukon.
  • Ships Arrive With Gold

    Ships Arrive With Gold
    Ships arrived in Seattle and San Francisco with lots of gold from the Klondike. When people heard that there was gold in the Klondike, over 100 000 stampeders attempted to go get gol.d from the Klondike. Only 30 000 people made it safely.
  • Yukon Territory Is Created

    Yukon Territory Is Created
    The Yukon Territory is created. The name ' Yukon ' came from the Loucheux First Nations word; Yu-kun-ah which means, Great River. The capital was chosen to be Dawson City. Which was later changed.
  • Gold Found In Nome Alaska

    Gold Found In Nome Alaska
    Gold is found in Nome, Alaska. This was the end of the Klondike Gold Rush. Stampeders are now no longer interested in finding gold in the Yukon Territory. Fresh, valuable, new gold is abundant in Alaska. Stampeders begin to travel over from the Yukonn Territory to go prospect for gold in a new place.
  • $100 Million Worth of Gold

    $100 Million Worth of Gold
    By this year, stampeders in the Yukon Territory involved in the Klondike Gold Rush have taken out an estimated $100 million in gold.
  • Robert Service Publishes First Poem

    Robert Service Publishes First Poem
    Robert Service prospected for gold in the Klondike Gol.d Rush. He enjoyed writing poems about his life in the Yukon. This was the year that he finally published his very first poem. Eventually he had a collection of his own poems and they were published into a called; " The Spell of the Yukon and Other Versus. "
  • Yukon Parliament

    Yukon Parliament
    Martha Munger is elected to parliament as a member for the Yukon. She is the second woman ever to be elected into the House Of Commons. She ran for office in place of her severlely ill husband. She was a Canadian polititian.
  • Yukon's Capitol is Changed

    Yukon's Capitol is Changed
    Yukon's capitol is changed from Dawson City to Whitehorse,