SJB-Motor Skills Development- First Year

  • baby first born

    baby first born
    Its a girl
    she was 6lb 10oz. 19 in
  • Period: to

    SJB-motor Skill Development-First year

  • 13 days

    13 days
    Her umbilical fell off
  • 14 days

    14 days
    I gave my baby her first bath.
  • one month

    one month
    Vanessa Lynn lifts her chin when I put her on her stomach.
  • two month

    two month
    Vanessa has learn how to lift her chest a little bit when I put her on her stomach
  • 2 month

    2 month
    she got her first shots
  • three month

    three month
    Vanessa hold her head up and roll over
  • four months

    four months
    she is reaching for objects she now has complete head control when sitting on some lap and when being carried
  • five months

    five months
    Vanessa now can sit up by herself and can turn fully around when put on her stomach
  • six months

    six months
    Vanessa now has hold her head steadily and reaches for objects
  • seven month

    seven month
    she is reaching for spoons and pulls herself up on furniture
  • eight months

    eight months
    sits up and doesn't fall
  • 9 months

    9 months
    she plays pat-a-cake
  • 10 months

    10 months
    she can say a few words
  • 11 month

    11 month
    she knows part of the body
  • 12 months

    12 months
    Speaks some words regularly