Yorelys Andino

  • i was born

  • i had a brother named jose

  • my dad left me when i was 4 years old

  • i had a other brother named josue

  • i had a new dad he was my step dad

  • i had a new step sister and brother

  • my step sister and step brother had to move back to there mom hosue

  • i was kinda sad that they left

  • we moved to a new house with my step dad

  • my step sister and step brother had to move back to there mom hosue

  • we still live there and stuff

  • my uncle died

  • was with my other dad for a little bit

  • came back with my mom

  • my mom got marry with my step dad

  • now my step dad is my real dad

  • our other dad doesnt vsit us anymore

  • my other dad moved to puerto rico

  • my sister got a boyfriend

  • my sister moves away with her boyfriend

  • my big brother have a big room and does not want to shae it

  • i have to share my room until we move

  • cant have my phone with me even thou im 14

  • just found out i go to tarapist cause i have promblems fouses in

  • still goes to speech

  • found out i was born at puerto rico for one month

  • almost went to the hospitle to get sergary

  • just found out my hand out burn with a heater and my hand was red a bloddy and bubbly only when i was 3

  • got bully at hopkinson

  • moved to homeschooled

  • people was ok had nice friends

  • was happy cus of my grades first time having good grades

  • droped my grades now im sad

  • dont have enouge time to do work

  • to many work of each class

  • im back behind

  • our other dad dont want to talk to us anymore

  • alway get yelled at for no reason cus of my brother blamimg it on me

  • i get grounded cus of my brothers

  • the end

  • my friends was fake

  • passed grades with fs and Ds

  • first quater easy and passes with a and b