YL, a socio-techno-political chronology

By ailsa
  • Youthline Auckland

    Youthline Auckland established after it was observed that youth underutilized existing telephone counselling services at Youthline. Felix Donnelly, Vice-Chairman of Lifeline is instrumental in establishing Youthline as a separate entity.
  • Youthline telephone counselling

    Youthline telephone counselling
    The success of Youthline was immediate. We were able to train 100 youths over a four month period and open the service to the public in July, 1970. I still remember the excitement as we stood in the small phone room in the old building belonging to the Auckland City Mission waiting for the first calls...The early days of working to develop a youth counselling service were almost euphoric. We were building a concept from scratch, and those who were to man the operation helped to plan it (p.19)
  • Big Boys Dont Cry by Felix Donnelly

    "The report was presented, Councillor Jim Anderton bravely attacked the decision...[saying] the decision was bowing to pressure from a wealthy privileged group... not based on proper town planning principles. The arguments went back and forth...[Mayor] Sir Dove-Myer Robinson, tried to do something about the situation to help Youthline. The debate lasted three hours. Through it all it was obvious whose sympathies were with Youthline. Pretending to be friends with both sides breeds distrust (p.60)
  • The Youthline Story

    The Youthline Story
    Written by Terry Locke
    "The Youthline story is the story of many people" (p.1)
  • Youthline House, leased from McKenzie Trust, Park Rd

    Records prior to 1975 were lost in shifting from Wellesley St Youth resource centre in the grounds of what was Auckland Technical Institute, to Park Rd in a villa on grounds belonging to the University of Auckland.
  • Youthline buys Maidstone St building

    Youthline buys own premises, an industrial building in Maidstone St, Ponsonby.
  • Crisisline becomes a tollfree 0800 number

    The "0800" number significantly increases the number of calls coming to the Youth Crisis Line, particularly from smaller towns and rural areas of New Zealand, where few other mental health services exist. 0800 line rerouts free callers to closest YL
  • 10,000 calls per year

    10,000 calls per year (i.e. approx. 28 calls per day) are received by Youthline Auckland phone counsellors.
  • Coca-cola Christmas in the park

    Coca-cola Christmas in the park
  • Urge website

    Urge website launched.An interactive resource site for young people.
    Urge/Whakamanawa – a web site for and by youth
    Urge/Whakamanawa was first developed as an interagency initiative which included the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Health, and the Alcohol Advisory Council, and managed by the Youthline counseling service.
  • Coca-cola Christmas in the park

  • Urge and Whakamanawa websites award winners

    Youthline's award winning websitesThe site is the result of a highly successful collaboration across government and non-government agencies. Young people were involved in the site’s development from its very beginning and continue to be active participants in its on-going development. “The corporate sector has also been supportive of the site by offering free web hosting and other sponsorship deals”, says ALAC’s information services manager, Suzanne Jones.
    “The key to its success was working together to achieve mutual goals."
  • Coca-cola Christmas in the park

  • Labour Governement Budget 2003, gifts $400,000 over 4 years to Youthline

    Press release regarding the Budget $400,000 over 4 years recognises Youthline's important role in helping young people....This initiative will help to fund two staff to manage and supervise the Youthline volunteers to work towards the 24 hour, 7 day a week telephone crisis service.
  • Coca-cola Christmas in the park

  • 0800 211 211 Community Services line

    Joint venture."211 is a trial community referral line funded by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and operated as a joint project between LifeLine and Youthline. It connects callers to a myriad of sources of local support and information using up to the minute technology coupled with good old fashioned telephone counselling skills." (Lifeline website) Youthline & Lifeline in Auckland collaborating to handle the calls and the Ministry supplying financial backing plus technical and database support
  • Coca-cola Christmas in the park

  • Christmas Gift of PDA

    Gift of PDA by sponsors Simpson Grierson, who instead of giving Christmas cards, donated the equivalent cost in gifting to youthline to set up a texting service
  • Annual Report

  • talk@youthline.co.nz

    Email service reported on in the 2005 annual report for the previous year
  • Texts

    200 text messages received in the first three months from Dec2004 to March 2005.
  • The "hub"

    "We call our phone room "the hub"- ...not simply a change in terminology , rather, the change reflects the reality that this year we have introduced and consolidated a variety of ways in which young people can be connected to Youthline and to each other." Youthline CEO
  • 5 Youthline centres linked

    Sharing telephone and computer technology.
    "There have been challenges and it is disappointing how difficult it was to get the technical support we needed to achieve a smooth rollout of the IT equipment. It is also vital that communication from each Youthline center is strengthened, because it is only with that involvement that we can be successful." Youthline CEO
  • The Gift of Text

    The Gift of Text
    Law firm gift gives texting to Youthline$25,000 donation from Simpson Grierson will allow Youthline to carry the cost of accepting texts and calls from cellphones on a tollfree number, 0274 YOUTHS. This replaces the 0800 free callline that could not accept mobile phone calls.
    "Its just another way of entering a young person's world" Youthline CEO
  • CorporateCitizens

    New Zealand Herald "Law Frim Gift"Youthline is mentioned as being a charity having benefitted from socially responsible businesses who feature on a newly developed website honouring philanthropy.
    Pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline remains Youthline's major sponsor, paying $60,000 to $70,000 a year for its 0800 number.
    A $25,000 donation from lawyers Simpson Grierson will allow Youthline to carry the cost of accepting texts from cellphones on a tollfree number, 0274 YOUTHS.
  • Coca-cola Christmas in the park

    Fine"it didnt rain"
  • 2 websites, texting and calls.

    2 websites, www.youthline.co.nz www.urge.co.nz, providing youth information and a comprehensive youth services directory.
    90,000 hits yr
    Texts 50 a day, Calls 100,000 yr
  • Annual Report

  • Coca-cola Christmas in the Park

  • YORA operational

    Y.O.R.A finished testing and became operational in Auckland helping phone counsellors book and keep track of their shifts.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

    Simpson Grierson is delighted to announce its continued support of Youthline this Christmas. Rather than spend money on printing and distributing traditional Christmas cards, Simpson Grierson will support and raise the awareness of this very worthy organisation.
  • YORA electronic rostering

    16th Feb 2007 YORA http://yora.lightbox.net.nz/index.pl?info
    The auto Emailer has been activated and now everyone will get emailed the day before their shift, at this stage, you are unable to specify the exact time when you get emailed.
  • YORA further changes

    1st March 2007 The option to specify if you actually turned up to a shift has been acitvated, the purpose is to provide accurate statistics about individual shifts and the actual hours during a day the phones are covered. It is important that you click whether or not you have turned up etc
  • Annual Report

  • More YORA changes

    Rules set for when booking shifts which will not let more than 2 Trainees per Buddy be booked at the same time. Also, if a Facilitator books a shift then up to 25 Trainees can be booked.
    Y.O.R.A code has gone through signifacant structural changes to using the codes Triage(A), Co-ordinator(C), Facilitator(F), Buddy(B), Solo(S), Trainee(T), Listener(L) it is now easier to mark your shifts as being present or not. The colour Purple has been addedto the month veiw for shifts with 6 people booked
  • Youthline on Bebo

    [Youthline on Bebo. ](www.bebo.com/yOuThLiNeRs )Youthline establishes presence on social networking sites
  • Youthline on Facebook

  • Coca-cola Christmas in the park

  • Lifeline launches Lowdown site

    Competing funding model, provided Lifeline with funding to establish the lowdown website for young people with depression. This site allows for access to a counsellor regarding depression.
    "An outstanding example of the healthcare system at its best".
  • Free text service (237 number) to users established

    Text 234
  • Bebo

    15 posts
  • Facebook

    11 posts
  • pros/cons online

    'Toxic' sites in web suicide link
    The Press: Bell said "The reality is, a lot of communication by young people is by texts or on the net now."
  • Annual Report

  • More YORA changes

    Major changes to Y.O.R.A have been implemented - these changes include:
    The maximum of 6 people available to take calls can be booked unless a Facilitator has booked a shift.Trainees can only book shifts when a buddy has already booked a shift and at the rate of 2 trainees per buddy. You can see your own bookings on the roster now (indicated by a small square inside a 1/2 hour slot).You can see buddy bookings in the roster (indicated by a small empty square in a 1/2 hour slot) The roster 24/7
  • News report: Youth texting research, NZ based

    Texts new tool in teen counselling. http://www.stuff.co.nz/AAMB4/aamsz=275x15_TEXTLINK/4613486a20475.html
    JOHN HARTEVELT - The Press: Young people are increasingly turning to cellphone text messaging for counselling.
    Youthline last month received up to 70 messages a day to its text counselling service. 2 Canterbury University academics suggests trend be applauded. The work, by Lee Thompson & Julie Cupples, found texting encouraged contact and could facilitate meeting up.
  • Facebook

    12 posts
  • Bebo

    26 posts
  • Annual Report

    23,000 calls in 2008, a drop of 50% on 2007 figures
    82,000 txts compared with 6,200 in 2007
    Youthline presented at the child helpline conference in Jordan in 2008 on The cost of doing good - changing technology costs
  • NZ Budget 2009

    NZ Budget 2009
    The Government intention of addressing the problem of education underachievement results in resource reallocation that includes significant cuts to Adult Community Education.
  • Youthline on twitter

    First tweets from Youthline: maintaining the social network of Youthline volunteers and staff.
  • Question raised in Parliament regarding Adult Community Education cuts

    Catherine Delahunty (List MP Green Party) : Tēnā koe, Mr Speaker. Tēnā koutou katoa. Can the Minister confirm that the funding for the training of Youthline volunteers who counsel distressed young people has been cut?Hon ANNE TOLLEY: No, I cannot.Hon Maryan Street: Was the Minister advised in her meeting with the representatives of the Community Learning Association through Schools recently that she risked going down in history as the Minister who killed night classes?
  • Questions raised in Parliament regarding Adult Community Education cuts

    Hon Phil Goff: Why are community groups like Youthline having their funding slashed as part of the 80 percent cuts to adult and community education funding, when Youthline uses those funds to train its support workers who do invaluable work and do it voluntarily?Hon BILL ENGLISH: I cannot answer in detail in respect of Youthline, but I would make two points. One is that the Tertiary Education Commission has flexibility about how it uses its funds, and the second is that the Government has set
  • Adult Community Education budget cuts

    Cash cuts will cost Youthline $40,000 of funding dedicated to training volunteers.
  • 200,000 txts received this year

    200,000 texts received by Youthline in 2009, Simpson-Grierson make substantial donation to maintain the service
  • Bebo

    8 posts
  • Facebook

  • Annual Report

    Reports increase in calls to Youthline for the 2009 year as 10% up on the 2008 year
    Texts in 2009 at 180,000 cmpared with 2008 130,000
  • Youthline House

    Youthline House
    Askew and the TMD crew are contracted to repaint Youthline House, the Northern wall
  • Places and spaces. Youthline 1st Research symposium

    Places and spaces. Youthline 1st Research symposium
  • Bebo

  • Facebook

    310 posts