Ari's Development Stage

By nona_18
  • Ari's Choice of Major: Identity vs. Role Confusion

    Ari (age 18) is going into college, she really wants to pursue in Dentistry field but her mom insists that she pursues in Business. Although the parent has a say, Ari doesn't see herself pursuing in Business, but she never really thought about business until her mom said something, right now she is confused. In Erickson's fifth stage: identity vs. role confusion, childhood to adulthood means they've become more independent. Their going to experience relationships, start a family, and so on.
  • Ari's First Relationship: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Ari and Jose (Boyfriend) had gotten into an relationship in their junior year of college. Ari wanted to be with Jose because they were ready, dedicating their love together, and having a long term relationship. In Erickson's sixth stage: Intimacy vs. Isolation, in this stage, it explores relationship's, love, happiness, caring for each other and not worrying about losing them and going into isolation.
  • Ari Wanting Children: Generativity vs. Stagnation

    During Ari's senior year of college she had got her associates degree in Dental Assisting, she was also unexpectedly pregnant with Jose's baby. So as a parent she only worked part-time, while Jose was working full-time. She hired a babysitter when needed. In Erickson seventh stage, it showing that we need to raise our children like our parents did to us when we were little and we should raise our children into the next generation. As for stagnation we are unproducible.