Yetziat Mitzrayim Timeline

  • 2448 BCE


    Bnei Yisrael leave Mitzrayim after the 10 plagues
  • 2447 BCE

    The Burning Bush

    Hashem appears to Moshe in the burning bush and commands him to go take the Jews out of slavery.
  • 2368 BCE

    Moshe is Born

  • 2332 BCE

    The Enslavement Begins

    Levi dies and the Jewish enslavement by Mitzrayim begins.
  • 2309 BCE

    Yosef Dies

    Yosef dies in Mitzrayim
  • 2238 BCE

    Heading Down to Egypt

    Yaakov and his sons move down to Egypt.
  • 2229 BCE

    Yosef's Rise to Power

    Yosef becomes second to the King.
  • 2216 BCE

    Yosef is Sold

    Yosef is sold to the Minyanim and eventually brought to Mitzrayim.