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Yellow Power Movement/The Asian American Movement

By Xan
  • Introduction to the Yellow Power Movment

    Introduction to the Yellow Power Movment
    In the US asian americans were not recognized as americans. So in the 1960’s the yellow power movement started. This movment gave asian communities the space to stand up for themselves and forge a new identity based on their collective experiences as Asian Americans.
  • Third World Liberation Front Stikes

    Third World Liberation Front Stikes
    On November 1968 to March 1969 at At San Francisco State University the longest student strike in U.S. history was held. Asian American, Black, Chicano, and Native students fought with administrators, and occasionally police. They did this to establish an ethnic studies department and increase the number of students and faculty of color at the school. Later another strike took place at UC Berkeley from January to March 1969.
  • Coining of Term Asian American

    Coining of Term Asian American
    In 1968 Yuji Ichioka and Emma Gee coined the term Asian American. This was an important moment in the movment because it rejected negative Oriental steryotypes and gave Asian Americans a positive identiy in the eyes of american people.
  • Campaign for Title II repeal

    Campaign for Title II repeal
    In 1968, Asian American student activists in the San Francisco Bay succeeded in persuading the Japanese American Citizen leauge to organize a public campaign for Title II repeal. This was important because Title II of the Internal Security Act allowed the Fedreal Government to detain any person suspected of espionage or sabotage or whom there is reasonable ground to believe will. It was the same act that allowed the Federal Government to detain Japanese citizens after the Peral Harbor attack.
  • Asian Anti War Movment

    Asian Anti War Movment
    Asian americans realized the racised and colonial implications of the U.S. involvment in the Vietnam war. They also noticed a patter of extreem violence toward asian's. A few examples include the Philipine-American War, and the deadly Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings. In response Asian americans held anti war protests during the late 60's and early 70's.
  • Noticing Institutional Racism

    Noticing Institutional Racism
    Asian american faced many hardships including red lining. Like Getho's, asian americans were forced into Little Tokyo's and China towns, many of wich were run down and had dehumanizing living conditons.Taking inspiration from the civli rights movent asian americans began to stand up for their rights.
  • The Repeal Bill

    On September 14, 1971, The Repal Bill was passed by congress. Later on September 25, 1971, President Richard Nixon signed it into law. The Bill repealed Title II of Internal Securitys Act and prohibited the establishment of the emergency detention camps.
  • Proclamation 4417

    Proclamation 4417
    In 1976 President Ford signed a proclamation, apologizing for the removal of japanese americans for their homes after pearl harbor attack.
  • Civil Liberties act of 1988

    Civil Liberties act of 1988
    In 1988 Ronals regan signed the Civil Liberties act of 1988, distributing 20,000 dollars to all surviving internees as another apology from the federal Government for their unlawful detainment.