Senator Hanson Mocks Burqa
Senator Hanson enters the room wearing a Burqa. She then proceeds to sit down and take it off as she talks about how wearing the Burqa poses a national security threat. Despite her failed attempt of persuasion she then proposes that the Burqa becomes banned in Australia. -
Senator Hanson Smiles
Despite this not having a major role in this situation I just wanted to point out that Senator Hanson proceeds to smile after she is told about what she has done and why it is wrong. Her smiling proves that she did this because she personally believes that the Burqa is a safety hazard and she did not do this because she was told to. -
Senator Hanson Gets Lectured
Senator Hanson's proposal is instantly turned down by the other parties in the parliament and Attorney General. Attorney General, George Brandis, then notifies Senator Hanson about what she has just done and what it makes people of the Islamic Faith feel. He then tells senator Hanson how many of the Islamic citizens of Australia are good law abiding citizens and do not pose a threat to national security. This wins Attorney General George brandis a standing ovation for his lecture.