Start Point
Treaty of Versailles signed -
League of Nations goes into operation
The world's first international security organization goes into operation. The United States doesn't join, and Germany and Soviet Russia are not acknowledged. This is historically significant because the United States didn't join. They didn't join because they had suffered civilian deaths in the war, and many people wanted to keep the U.S out of European affairs. Joining the league meant that this might involve having to do things that might set back the economy or damage the U.S. -
Fascism in Italy, has copied ancient Rome, and Benito Mussolini
Stalin in Power in Russia
Stalin defeats the last of his major rivals for power. Over time Stalin's control brings forced industrialization, cruel police suppression and purges, a very suspicious attitude toward the outside world, and inflexible control over foreign Communist parties. This event is historically significant because his development plan was centered on government control of the economy and included the forced collectivization of Soviet agriculture, then government took control of farms. -
Stock Market crash leads to Depression
The American stock market crash starts a world-wide Depression, which is at its worst in most of Europe from the summer of 1931 through the end of 1932 and in some places much longer. This is historically significant because it pushed the U.S.A. into a better economic system. There were laws set afterward to hoping to prevent something like that from happening again. -
Japan invades Manchuria
Japanese armies open a long not announced war against China in Manchuria. Attempts to prevent Japan through the League of Nations or all fail, weakening faith in the international order. This event is historically significant because it lead to the Japanese control of China during World War II. -
The Third Reich, Hitler and his Nazi party are in full command in a matter of months.
German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact
German Rearmament, the Third Reich rejects the disarmament clauses of the Treaty of Versailles.
Spanish Civil War support
A civil war breaks out in Spain, lasting three years. Germany and Italy support the insurgent Nationalist side and transport arms and some volunteers; Britain, France, and Russia support the Republican government but only Russia provides any practical assistance. This event is historically significant because the Republicans succeeded in putting down the revolt in other areas, including Madrid, Spain’s capital. -
Munich Agreement agreement between France, Italy, Nazi Germany and Britain.
A crisis over a big border region in western Czechoslovakia ends in the Munich agreement between Germany, Britain, France, and Italy, which authorizes German annexation of these territories. This event is historically significant because it was seen to have a prevented a war with Germany. -
End Point
German Invasion of Poland