Treaty of Versailles
Conference in Paris
A conference in Paris has the league of nations decide that Germany should pay for what they did during WW1, putting a huge debt of 269 billion Goldmarks on Germany. (Equivalent to about 148 billion USD.). I think this event is important because it really put limits on what Germany could do, because with that debt they really needed to focus on paying it off. -
Germany renegotiates the debt
Dawes plan is put forward
The Dawes plan further improved Germany's financial situation after Charles Dawes realized that there was no way that Germany could pay off such a huge debt, do he got the reparation commission to form a committee and they renegotiated Germany's debt again, and lowered it. This event is important as it helped Germany rebuild they economy after trying to pay off their debt. -
American stock market Crashes
The stock market crashed due to rapid growth in bank credit and loans in the US. This is important as it helped accelerate towards the great depression and put the US in a bad financial position. -
War between japan and china
Adolf Hitler becomes counselor of the third Reich.
Hitler rises up to become the counselor of the third Reich. This event is important because it gives Hitler more power, allowing him to do what he wants, which eventually leads to him helping Germany, but also leads to the holocaust. -
Second international conference
Germany denounces military limitations
Germany denies the military limitations put on them during the international conferences. This is important because it shows that Germany is fed up and ready to fight for what they want. -
German-Italian treaty is formed
The alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan forms. This is important as it defines who will fight on which side during WW2. -
Germany invades Austria
German invasion of poland