Treaty of Versailles Signed
Nazi Party Formed
The significance of the Nazi Party being formed was to unite racially desirable Germans as national comrades. There goal was to eliminate political opponents, which would later lead to the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler was the main leader of the Nazi Party that would lead Germany into becoming evil. This event to me was significant because it was one big cause of World War 2. -
Hungary Joins League of Nations
Joseph Stalin leads Soviet Uinion
This is significant because Stalin is responsible for more deaths than Adolf Hitler. Stalin after Lenin's death set out to destroy the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP), which is what Lenin was the leader of. Stalin took control of the Communist party, and would eventually take complete control of Russia. This is also significant because Stalin would punish people who did not believe what he did which would lead to the "Reign of Terror". -
Great Depression
In the Great Depression unemployment rate reached 25%, which in terms of 100 people would mean only 25 people had jobs. During the time of the great depression the Dust Bowl was happening which was a huge drought in the Midwest that caused the farms to not be able to grow food. Due to people having no money a lot of people had no food or fresh water. This was a significant event because Germany, Great Britain, and the U.S. went through the Great Depression which meant a lot of people suffered. -
Enabling Act of 1933
This act gave full power to Hitler so he could push Germany forward. From the passing of this act Hitler banned all other political parties except the Nazi Party. After the passing of this act Germany ran under Hitler's laws and if the people didn't follow them he could punish them however he wanted to. This was significant in time because it took away all freedoms of German people and gave them to Hitler. -
Germany Leaves League of Nations
Germany's withdrawal of the League of Nations was followed by its big military buildup. This event was a major cause to World War 2 because the League of Nations was created in an attempt to end all world wars, and Germany leaving the League of Nations was a sign that another World War would occur. This event was significant because it sparked a start of a new World War and the countries started to get ready for it. -
Francisco Franco Leads Spanish Civil War
Marco Polo Bridge Incident
Germany Annexes Austria
Germany did force Austria into joining a union with them, which violated peace treaties that ended World War 1. The significance of Germany annexing Austria was to spread the influence of the Nazi Party, but people in Austria went against the Nazi Party causing the Austrians to tell the world what Germany was up to. This is an important event because it got the word around of what Germany was up to and let the other countries figure out how to stop Germany. -
Nazi Soviet Nonaggression Agreement
German Invasion of Poland