Treaty of Versailles Signed
The Paris Peace Conference Ends
During the Paris Peace Conference decisions were made about who was to blame for World War I and what the punishment would be. The blame was put on Germany because of their "blank check" to Austria. They were forced to pay reparations to Britain and France for damages caused by the war. The League of Nations was also created at the conference, as well as the peace treaties for the defeated states. As a result German citizens felt spiteful of the decisions made at the conference. -
Russian Civil War Ends
Benito Mussolini is Appointed Prime Minister of Italy
When Benito Mussolini came into power Italy was a democracy, but in 1925 he changed the government to a dictatorship. Mussolini became the founder of Italian fascism, which is an extreme nationalistic and oppressive style of leadership. He wanted to make Italy an empire, building in Africa and the Balkans, but was unable to do that. He did gain land in Ethiopia. Under Mussolini's rule Italy aligned itself with Germany and helped them during WWII in hopes of gaining land and resources for Italy. -
Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
Germany Leaves the League of Nations
The League of Nations was a group of countries with an agreement to remain peaceful towards each other. The league was established at the Paris Peace Conference as a way to avoid another war like World War I. In 1993 under Hitler's rule, Germany left the League of Nations. There was already some rising tension between Germany and other nations, so their decision to leave the league was yet another way for Germany to further themselves from any alliances with the world powers. -
Hitler becomes Fuhrer
In 1934 Adolf Hitler became Fuhrer of Germany. To increase his power in Germany, he forced other leaders in the German government to resign. Hitler used fear to keep power and spread his Nazi message. He took away the rights of many minority groups in Germany, especially Jewish people. He went against the Treaty of Versailles and built up the German army, created a navy and air force, and greatly increased the country's military power. He also invaded many countries, which led to war. -
Neutrality Act of 1935 Passes
Under President Roosevelt's term, the United States government passed the Neutrality Act of 1935. The act imposed an embargo of trading arms and war materials with all parties of a war. This act was the United States' way to keep itself out of any brewing conflicts between European countries. -
Germany Violates Treaty of Versailles
After being blamed for the first world war, Germany had many restrictions on things like its military, and was completely despised by the German people. The citizens did not want to agree to the treaty in the first place so they were more than happy to have a leader (Hitler) who would go against the treaty. Although Germany wanted the treaty gone, the violations angered the big powers like Britain and France. They did not like how Hitler was running the country and wanted him out of power. -
Italy Leaves League of Nations
Planning for German Invasion of Poland Begins
German Invasion of Poland