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Years of Crisis- Christine Gallagher

  • Treaty of Versailles signed

  • Period: to

    Years of Crisis

  • first meeting of the League of Nations takes place

    first meeting of the League of Nations takes place
    -first put out to try and enforce the Treaty of Versailles along with other different peace agreements that helped to end World War 1
    -wanted to try and replace secret deals and even war itself
    *many different countries were involved
    -the United States denied joined this league
    -in the end, this plan ultimately fails because there is more war that happened in the world
  • Hitler became the National Socialist Party's leader

  • Vladimir Lenin died

  • German Chamber of Deputies Accepts the Dawes Plan

    German Chamber of Deputies Accepts the Dawes Plan
    -this plan got its name from Charles Dawes
    *changes or alters German reparation payments to try and actually reduce the amount of annual payments, this also allowed Germany to take a larger loan
    -used to try and help Germany settle out some money problems which then pulled other countries into it
  • Wall Street stock market crashed

    Wall Street stock market crashed
    -New York's sidewalks had been lined with Banks and investors
    -the companies had people buying stocks from them, which they used to pay off their loans
    *September 1929, people thought the prices were too high and started to sell their stocks thinking prices would go down
    -within a month the prices started to slop downward and a panic arose because everyone wanted to sell but nobody wanted to buy
    -around 16 million stocks had been sold to people, this is what made the stock market crash
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

  • Spanish Monarchy is overthrown and a Republic put into place

  • Chancellor of Germany is set on Hitler

    Chancellor of Germany is set on Hitler
    -this event was Hitler's first huge step in his very well known dictatorship over Germany
    -at this point he did not have complete and total power over Germany, that would come at a later time in history
    *not everyone was happy about the election results of Hitler becoming chancellor and some decided to write him letters expressing their thoughts towards the scenario
  • start of the Spanish Civil war

  • Guernica bombed by Spanish Nationalist

    Guernica bombed by Spanish Nationalist
    -as the people of Guernica tried to get away from the attack, they were being gunned down
    -in the attack about 1,500 people died and around 800 had been wounded by the bombing
    *the military targets for the town however stayed
    -this town was a communications center
  • The Munich Pact gets signed

    The Munich Pact gets signed
    -this pact is what had given Germany the ability to extend their land into Czechoslovakia
    -Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Benito Mussolini and Édouard Daladier signed were the people to sign the pact
    -Adolf Hitler was the negotiator for Germany's part of this agreement idea
    *this was signed in an attempt to avoid war as much as they could so they would not have to worry about war between them
  • German invasion of Poland