Sep 1, 1039
German invasion of Poland
Treaty of Versailles signed
League of Nations is created
The Assembly of the League of Nations meets for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland. The US is notably absent, the Senate having voted against joining the League in November 1919. -
Facism in Italy
Lenin Dies
Lenin's death leaves some question as to who will be his successor. Joseph Stalin eventually beats out Leon Trotsky to take control of the Soviet government. -
Spanish Monarchy is overthrown
Final Lague of Nations conference
The last major League of Nations-sponsored disarmament conference meets from February to July 1932 at Geneva, with 60 nations in attendance, including the United States. However, this conference, like its predecessors, fails to secure any agreement, and organized disarmament remains an unaccomplished goal. -
Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
President Paul von Hindenburg declares Hitler chancellor, the first major step in Hitler's ascent to dictatorship. -
Enabling act passed
The Enabling Act gives Hitler the power to issue decrees with the status of law. -
1,140,000 communists expelled by Stalin
From 1933 to 1934 Stalin eliminated 1,140,000 people. -
Spanish Civil war begins
Munich Pact is signed
Britain and France appease Hitler by signing the Munich Pact, which grants Hitler control of the Czech Sudetenland.